Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Science
Professor of Solid State Physics Department of Saratov State University
He was born in 1960 in Saratov. He has graduated physics
faculty of Saratov
State University in 1982. Since 1998 he is the doctor of physics and
mathematics sciences and professor of Solid State Physics Department of
Saratov State University.
He is the author more than 100 scientific publication in the field of coherent optics, laser physics, physics of magnetic liquids, biophysics and medicine physics. He is the performer and scientific advisor of more than 10 researches, grants and innovation projects. The Council on the grant of Russian Federation President supports him.
Author Address: Solid State Physics Department, Saratov State University, Astrakhanskaya
st., 83, Saratov, Russia, 410026
Saratov State University Solid State Physics Department Astrakhanskaya st., 83, Saratov, Russia, 410026. Tel.: (8452) 514563. Fax: (7-8452)-24-04-46 |