The solid state physics department

Educational-scientific films on CD laser disks

"Daphnia and biotesting 
of the aqueous medium"


    Aims and problems.  Nowadays the system of higher and secondary education makes more demands to the technical equipment of its structural subdividivisions. The improvement of education system requires the using of software, educational films and other videoapplications. Therefore one of the problem at the present stage of education evolution in Russia is the development of the educational programs based on the using of audio and videosystems means.

  Level of requests:

The issue plan - project of educational-scientific films
    Development and creation of educational film "Daphnia and biotesting of the aqueous medium", that is an auxiliary educational material at self-education or audition learning of the course "Bionomics", " General biology " and special courses " Medical physics " and "Biophysics".

The brief contents of the film

    Film "Daphnia and the biotesting of the aqueous medium" contains the detailed information on habitat of freshwater crayfishes daphnia, details of a structure and operation of its vital organs. The uniqueness of daphnia as test-object for ecological monitoring of an aqueous medium is show in the film. In simple, but at the same time in strictly scientific form, the fundamentals of building the modern systems of the computerized parameters checking of daphnia’s heart beats, used for the checking of a toxicity level of the aqueous medium are illuminated.

Technical characteristics

Duration of film not less than 10 minutes
Form of presentation CD laser disk
Resolution 512x384

Scientific supervisor:  Usanov Dmitry Alexandrovich
Address: Solid State Physics Department, Saratov State University.410026, Saratov, 83
Telephone: (8452) 514563
Fax: (8452) 240446